Location: South Boston, VA, United States

I am a full-time teacher of Literature and Art History at a private school in Virginia, and hold the MA in medieval literature from Longwood University. My research interests include various topics in Classical Studies, Medieval/Renaissance studies, Neomedievalism, Romanticism, the Gothic, Art History, especially Art as Propoganda, Portraiture, and Impressionism, Women's Studies and Genocide Studies.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Top Ten Reasons to get Pregnant in 2006...

Okay, so I've been doing some musing on the topic, and my husband and I have discussed it, and we think this is a very good idea. Daughter Number One is 2 now, and we figure that if we wait much longer, potty training will be done and-well, it's best to have the next baby out and about by that point, as I'm pretty sure there are statistics out there (but please don't ask me what statistics!) proving that couples who have gone through potty-training and do not have a second baby already are less likely to go on with that particular project!

Over the past few weeks, reasons for having another baby have been flooding my head. Below are the Top Ten Reasons why I feel that getting pregnant is the best option for me at present:

1. No more periods. Who has the time or energy to deal with that?

2. 6-weeks paid maternity leave sounds like a fantastic vacation.

3. It will continue the tradition of carrying Baby in utero on stage, perfect training for his or her future as a theatre star.

4. We're getting ready to paint the house, and it would be nice to know what color the third bedroom should be.

5. Extra fat helps keep you warm in winter, and I hate being cold.

6. My old maternity clothes are all winter-based, so it would cut down on shopping.

7. Anna has outgrown all of her cute baby clothes and they're just sitting in her closet gathering dust.

8. Other women are much nicer to me when I'm thirty pounds heavier; I could use the friends.

9. It would give me a valid excuse for all of the things I keep forgetting to do, like paying bills and laundry.

10. I wouldn't have to read my Vicki Iovine pregnancy and first year books on motherhood(which are laugh-out-loud funny!) undercover anymore.

Yup, look out world: if I have my way, there'll be one more crazy, hormone-driven pregnant woman out there by the end of the year!

(And if it happens before Thanksgiving, so much the better; watch out, turkey!)


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